Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sculptural Typeface Example

Hey all!

Chances are you will need a few more days on your digital and handwritten typefaces, but I wanted to introduce the sculptural typeface. You will have to collect objects to arrange as your letters. It might be a good idea to set this up at home, photograph it, and then upload it to the computers at school. Come prepared to keep working and make good use of your time in class!

Above is a GREAT example of a sculptural typeface created by a student from last year! Using only books and balance, they came up with this amazing number 8!

With concerns to presentation of your sculpture typeface, you might want to consider clipping or cutting. To do this, you would use the lasso tool. Here is a quick tutorial you can watch with headphones on:

Depending on how your photographs turned out, it might give your typeface a cleaner, more professional look.


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