Wednesday, September 4, 2024

ABC123 Project

Hey all!

For our next project we will be designing our own typefaces! You will be designing a...

- Digital Typeface (think FontStruct or rasterizing type in Photoshop) 


- Handwritten Typeface (You will be drawing on paper!)

- Sculptural Typeface (Build it in 3D!)

To start - pick a set of three consecutive letters and three consecutive numbers. Example:

Aa Bb Cc


These will be the numbers and letters you design for all three of your approaches. You must do both uppercase and lowercase for your 3 letters. Also, your layout must be letters centered over numbers:


 Throughout the project, I will show you different examples and ways to go about designing. This is a big project to take on! Can't wait to see what we come up with!

- Slenk

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