Wednesday, September 4, 2024

ABC123 Handwritten Example

Here's the final product! Below are the images I started with...

After taking these pictures on my phone, I e-mailed/air dropped them to myself and opened them in photoshop. From there, my first step was to desaturate the image. That means it was made completely black and white. To do that, go to:


From here, it is time to make the background white and darken our drawn lines. To do this, go to


and play around with both the brightness and contrast.
Now it's time to color the image! Use brushes and paintbucket to finish the job!
If you worked on your letters or numbers separately, be sure to copy and paste them all together, in the appropriate order and layout.

And here is my final...

ABC123 Project

Hey all!

For our next project we will be designing our own typefaces! You will be designing a...

- Digital Typeface (think FontStruct or rasterizing type in Photoshop) 


- Handwritten Typeface (You will be drawing on paper!)

- Sculptural Typeface (Build it in 3D!)

To start - pick a set of three consecutive letters and three consecutive numbers. Example:

Aa Bb Cc


These will be the numbers and letters you design for all three of your approaches. You must do both uppercase and lowercase for your 3 letters. Also, your layout must be letters centered over numbers:


 Throughout the project, I will show you different examples and ways to go about designing. This is a big project to take on! Can't wait to see what we come up with!

- Slenk

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Compositions- Past Student Examples



- Using only one letter or one number create an entire composition
- Use any typeface (take some time to explore multiple typefaces and consider if you would like to work with type that is more geometric or more organic)
- Compositions are to be only black and white
- Consider the elements and principles of design.

Emphasis (Where is the focal point?)
Line (Visual line. What path does your eye travel?)
Proportion and Scale (Size relationships)
Rhythm and Repetition
Shape (Positive & Negative, Figure/Ground)
Space (Foreground, Middle ground, Background)
Unity and Variety

- 2 compositions will be turned in...

Helvetica Quotes

Friday, August 23, 2024

Helvetica #Letter

Things to consider when working on your #Letter

- Experiment with uppercase/lowercase
- Use a variety of regular/light/bold type
- Consider your use of Negative Space or Figure/Ground relationship

- Focus on combinations/transitions. Are they seamless?
- Pay attention to cropping/framing

Helvetica #Letter

Class project. Using only Helvetica type create 10 different combinations of one letter + one number...

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Graphic Design

1st Graphic Design blog entry

As we start this year together, what are some of your expectations for a class named Graphic Design? Another way to think about this question might be to simply ask

What is Graphic Design?

What are some of the different aspects or elements of Graphic Design? Where do you see it in the world? And what designs influence you? (style, brands, art, etc... Provide pictures for this part please. Below are some of my influences)

Please take some time to give some thoughtful feedback to the questions above in your 1st blog entry


Hey all! Welcome to Graphic Design. I'm excited to be working with all of you. Your first assignment for class will be to create your own blog! This blog will be a great way to document and share your work. It will also give us another way to communicate throughout the semester.